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We believe that active engagement in curricula designed to explore natural and physical phenomena fosters growth in the ability to ask questions and seek answers. We believe this ability is critical to each student’s educational and personal growth.

Program Information

Biology is the study of living things and their relationships with the non-living world. This two semester introduction to Biology takes a hands-on approach to the study of life. Students will conduct investigations that will support understanding on topics such as the structure and function of organisms, matter and energy in organisms and ecosystems, interactions in ecosystems, inheritance and variation of traits, unity and diversity of life, and natural selection and evolution.
The study of chemistry includes but is not limited to topics such as matter and energy, atomic structure, the periodic table, gases, bonding, thermodynamics, chemical reactions, acids and bases. Students who select chemistry should note that it requires active, laboratory based learning, problem solving skills, and the ability to successfully communicate results verbally and in written form.
This course involves components from all of the sciences including content from Biology, Chemistry, Physics, Math and ELA Writing Skills. Forensic students will use critical thinking, deductive reasoning, advanced chemical laboratory techniques and problem-solving skills. Reality and research-based activities are used to investigate criminal scenarios; the scientific method is used for solving such problems. Students will address the application of science to the processes of law, and be involved the collection, examination, evaluation and interpretation of evidence. This course is designed to familiarize those individuals interested in criminalistics and/or related fields with the methods and techniques currently employed by forensic scientists.
Please note: Photos of crime scenes are an essential aspect of the curriculum and may be graphic. These may be used throughout the course.
In this laboratory based course, students will be presented with a fundamental introduction to chemistry and physics. Students will experiment with, discuss and study the basic chemical and physical interactions that drive the world around them. Students in this course will utilize a problem-solving approach in which they will be required to identify a problem or hypothesis, devise an experimental method to solve the problem, collect and analyze data, and draw conclusion(s) from the data.
Physics provides a background in the physical laws that describe our universe. This course relies heavily on laboratory experimentation and mathematical modeling to give the students an understanding of the major concepts of physics. Student participation in ongoing discussion and experimentation is required, with an emphasis on data analysis and understanding of the physical concepts.

Earth and Space Science is the study of various sciences (Geology, Astronomy, Oceanography, and Meteorology) that examine the origin, composition, and physical features of the Earth. This two semester laboratory course explores origins and the connections between the physical, chemical, and biological processes of the earth system. In this course, students will collect and interpret realtime data, utilizing problem solving and critical thinking to gain an understanding the Earth. Earth and Space Science provides the opportunity for students to engage in problem solving and ethical decision making about scientific and technological issues.


Environmental Science is designed for students with an interest in continuing their science education by focusing and expanding upon the principles of ecology previously learned in biology. Students will study environmental ethics, conservation, resource and waste management, soil, water, and land ecology. Students will also investigate career opportunities in environmental science.


Students will develop and understanding of the meteorological principles and mechanics of the atmosphere, climate and weather prediction.

Additional Info & Links

Course Catalog

Course Catalog







  • Web-OE-Dept-Science